ELEDIA@UESTC, directed by Prof. Shiwen YANG, is a research group hosted at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC, Chengdu, China) aimed at strengthening the cooperation with academic and industrial partners involved in joint research and project initiatives also in synergy with the other nodes of the ELEDIA international research network.

    The activities developed at the ELEDIA@UESTC node span several research topics in the framework of antenna and antenna-related technologies with specific focus on the (i) study and design of innovative reconfigurable antennas for next-generation communications and sensing applications, (ii) development of advanced algorithms and methodologies for the design, control, and optimization of antenna systems and devices through the System-by-Design paradigm, and (iii) modeling, simulation, and prototyping of novel antenna architectures and solutions.

    The ELEDIA@UESTC node is devoted to the application of the above technology in the fields of wireless communications, software-defined and cognitive radio sensing and telecommunications, smart cities and environment.

    Contact: uestc-chengdu@eledia.org